Every once in a while the Flaming Sofa Productions crew likes to get together and have a one night, one session, one shot game session. Pre-gen characters, simple plotlines, and lots of fun.
This is one of those sessions. We recently (June 22nd) got together and played a one shot session of Star Wars 3.5 edition, helmed by our GM Colton. The main purpose of the session was to playtest and experiment with a new character class, a new angle on Force Sensitives, that Colton has created. We had a blast playing the game and we hope you all get a kick out of listening.
Warning - this episode has had very minimal editing and due to its sheer length had to be chopped into two bits. Part 1 is approximately 3 hours 22 minutes in length and Part 2 is approximately 1 hour 57 minutes in length.
DISCLAIMER - This podcast is not in any way, shape, or form affiliated, approved, connected with, or known by Lucasfilm Ltd, LucasArts or any other LucasEtc licensees, affiliates, or companies. Please do not sue us, as we are in no way, shape, or form making any sort of fiscal or pecuniary gains from this podcast. We just do it for the lulz.