Monday, October 15, 2012

A Shadow in the Soul - Episode #11 Bonus Content

In Episode #11 - Le Chuck du Fromage our characters were shown a video about ghost hunting. This is that video, created by our awesome Storyteller Colton.

We hope you enjoy this Two Minute Spiel by Man-Eating Mike!

A Shadow in the Soul - Episode #11 - Le Chuck du Fromage

The group, after their harrowing individual post-death experiences, meet up with other Sin-Eaters and begin to learn about what it means to be a Sin-Eater in Tampa.

Check out the episode here or on iTunes

In this episode:

Colton [The Storyteller]

Shane [Ryan - Firefighter]

Chris [Ernie - Cable Access Cameraman]

Sara [Jennifer - Drug Addict Party Girl]

Billy [Everett - Goth Former Poet]

Stephanie [Dr. Dani - Cheery Pediatrician]

Matt [Brentley - Medium for Hire]

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Episode #11 Delay

Good Evening, folks! I have nearly all of Episode #11 ready to go for you all, but I'm currently missing a pivotal sound file. Our awesome Storyteller Colton put together a really cool video for our characters to watch, but the sound of the video really doesn't come through on the recording. :(

Hopefully I will soon get my hands on the video file so I can directly embed the sound in the episode as well as post it onto our YouTube.

The sound quality of this session is very poor as it is, and I'm trying to make it as clear and as enjoyable as possible. Luckily I have now purchased a new, far more wonderful microphone for us to use in recording our next chronicle (which will be a return to "At Sixes and Sevens").

I appreciate your patience and for your support! :) You all are the best!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

A Shadow in the Soul - Episode 10 - We're Baaack!

Chapter 3 really gets going as we're joined by two new characters: Everett (Billy) and Dr. Dani (Stephanie). The players are now Sin-Eaters and must recover the vessel before it is too late!

Check out the episode here or on iTunes

In this episode:

Colton [The Storyteller]

Shane [Ryan - Firefighter]

Chris [Ernie - Cable Access Cameraman]

Sara [Jennifer - Drug Addict Party Girl]

Billy [Everett - Goth Former Poet]

Stephanie [Dr. Dani - Cheery Pediatrician]

Matt [Brentley - Medium for Hire]