Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A Shadow in the Soul - Episode #12 - Big Momma

The group, after their harrowing individual post-death experiences, meet up with other Sin-Eaters and begin to learn about what it means to be a Sin-Eater in Tampa.

Check out the episode here or on iTunes

In this episode:

Colton [The Storyteller]

Shane [Ryan - Firefighter]

Chris [Ernie - Cable Access Cameraman]

Sara [Jennifer - Drug Addict Party Girl]

Billy [Everett - Goth Former Poet]

Stephanie [Dr. Dani - Cheery Pediatrician]

Matt [Brentley - Medium for Hire]


I want to apologize for the amount of time that elapsed between Episode #11 and this one; without going into all of the needless details, my life has been utterly crazy and a rollercoaster of emotions these past few months. My New Year's Resolution is to not let the world get to me as much and I will be returning to the regular posting schedule from this point forward (with the exception of this odd-dated post).

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate! Thank you for not forgetting about us!

~ Sara