Wednesday, September 14, 2011

At Sixes and Sevens - Episode 7 - Chapter 1 Summary and Feedback

This episode begins with a brief recap of the events that happened in Chapter 1. Then the group goes over the feedback we've received from our listeners regarding episodes #1-6 (if I overlooked your comment or feedback, I am so very sorry!). After the feedback I've included a few outtake type moments from our play sessions that didn't make it into our earlier episodes that we hope you'll enjoy as much as we do.

Check out the episode here or on iTunes

As such, this episode can be skipped, if you wish, and you won't miss any of our storyline. 


  1. Thanks for the summary and Q&A episode. I think it is a great idea. I loved the "outtakes" at the end, listening to the edited game makes me feel that my group goes on too many tangents (and we do!) so it is nice to hear you guys doing it too. Thanks for the shout-out, and again I am REALLY interested in that software. I am sick of cobbling together other individual tools and having upwards of 20 things open on my outdated laptop at the same time. Thanks again for the entertainment, I am looking forward to chapter 2!

  2. I found the podcasts last night and have just started listening to the first couple episodes and it sounds very promising. I have been playing a CtL game set in London for the last 18 months
    ( and its nice to listen to another game with a new cast of characters.

  3. CyberKraken - Thanks! :D We definitely go on some serious tangents ourselves and I plan to keep up these outtakes (I honestly only saved them at first for my own amusement). I'll pass your interest along to Chris again (this external pressure is a good thing, haha). :D

    Angelofruin - Glad that you found our podcast! We hope that you will enjoy it and have fun listening to the story unfold. I'm checking out your game and it looks really interesting! I especially am enjoying reading the wiki about the Freehold of the Southern Fields. If it's okay, I'd love to add your game page to our links section!

  4. We would be more than happy for you to do so. We are actually only half way through updating it so there is lots more to come, and it is still an ongoing game. I am thoroughly enjoying the game, it's fantastic background and colourful characters.
