Thursday, May 31, 2012

Congratulations to our winner!

As some of you may have heard, the winner of the Free Flaming Sofa Productions T-Shirt is....

WillM - who has posted here on the blog!


WillM, in order to get your fabulous shirt, all you need to do is e-mail me at with your desired shirt size and mailing address and we will send the shirt your way.

We're definitely considering doing another contest like this in the future, so stay tuned! :)


  1. I know that the wrap-up episode has ended, but I still have two questions I forgot to ask.

    1. Why did you guys choose Changeling: The Lost for your first podcast sessions? Was this the first time you guys had played C:TL?

    2. What do you think of Sir Christopher Lee's metal career?

    1. 1) Changeling happened to be our first podcast because it was the first chronicle/game we were going to start after I bought the microphone and Chris was okay with me recording it for sharing purposes.

      We had played with Changeling: The Lost in the past, with a chronicle Chris ran that had players that were both Changelings and Mages (it totally worked and was also an amazing storyline). This was our first truly dedicated Changeling game that we played as a group all together.

      2) DUDE! That was awesome! I had no idea! My thoughts are an amalgam of exclamations like: "DUDE! NO WAY! WHOA! AWESOMENESS! MUST BUY NOW!"
