Wednesday, May 9, 2012

At Sixes and Sevens - Episode 32 - A Chapter Closes

The Lord of Sixes, wearing Quincy's faux-pendant, rises and faces the Changelings. The Chapter ends, but as the famous quote says: "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end."

Check out the episode here or on iTunes

In this episode:

Chris [Storyteller]

Shane [John Doe - Darkling Razorhand]

Colton [Dragonheart aka DH - Fairest Draconic]

Sara [Once - Fairest Fatemaker]

Matt [Matt - Wizened Chirurgeon/Soldier]

Don't forget about our groovy contest! Check it out here!


  1. Did... Does everyone die? O.o

    1. Hah! I wish. Everyone always seems to think I'm out to get them, but I've actually never achieved a TPK. I like to think I'm pretty nice and only kill player-characters in dramatically appropriate moments. Except for Steph... one day I'm gonna get her...

  2. Well everyone has to die sometime...

  3. Amazing, simply amazing!

    1. Thanks. I'm actually pretty happy about this first story ended. There were definitely a couple of rough spots, and I was getting a little burned-out near the end. But since taking a break and enjoying the beginning of Colton's game, my story-telling batteries are recharging and I am very much looking forward to revisiting these characters in the next Changeling installment.

      I really appreciate you listening.

      - Chris

  4. Interesting ending, especialy with the necklace, I was positively surprised with the perspective of Coltan ST'ing. Is it going to be base WOD?

  5. Thanks, CyberKraken!

    Theran Murktea - Colton is a really fun Storyteller too. His campaign, "A Shadow in the Soul" is a base World of Darkness game. We've just started scratching the surface of his game and it is certainly going to be quite an interesting ride!

  6. I'll miss these characters, but I'm excited to hear the new game!

  7. Really I am so thankful to you guys for such a great, quality Changeling the Lost Chronicle. It was so fun to listen to, even if it at times it made me embarrass myself by laughing while on the train to Uni. Great work guys, Changeling the Lost Content is Really lacking on the net and this is such a gem of a game. Tops to Chris for his Great GM'ing and to the rest of the team for Being so Damn fun! Cheers!

    1. Thanks!! :D

      I used to edit the podcast on my lunch breaks at work, but after too many awkward stares caused by my bursts of laughter I had to stop.

      I totally love the Changeling setting/system and I'm fairly confident in saying that we will definitely be revisiting it again in the (hopefully near) future.
