Sunday, September 16, 2012

A Shadow in the Soul - Episode 7 - PSA

The group (minus Brentley), having located Lock, go out in search of Key so that the vessel may be sealed and the world saved from complete and utter horrific destruction. Brentley continues shopping.

Check out the episode here or on iTunes

In this episode:

Colton [The Storyteller]

Shane [Ryan - Firefighter]

Chris [Ernie - Cable Access Cameraman]

Sara [Jennifer - Drug Addict Party Girl]

Matt [Brentley - Medium for Hire]


  1. I love how Brentley casually asks Leerio if they should run, when Leerio's all panicked. "Yeah, but wouldn't that mean we fall for his shtick?" What do you think is going to happen, you stay and he appears and shouts surprise? XD

    Awesome episode as always guys, and nicely rounded out with some informative PSAs! :P

  2. Just before listening to episode 7, I had a song going in my head but with slightly changed lyrics: "Na na na it's the mothaf*****g L. O. C. K. You know I'm hanging with the J. E. N. Y. , na na na chill till the next episode..."

    Colton as ST doesn't cease to amaze me, special congrats to him for inventing such vivid NPCs and playing them out just the way he did. Also cheers to Ryan aka the "dating fireman" and Sara for her "Hey Key are You there?". :p "Alcohol to keep You not falling asleep." You guys blend brains. ;p
