Wednesday, December 7, 2011

At Sixes and Sevens - Episode 15 - I Am Also Here to Confuse You

John, Dragonheart, Quincy, and Once must think and react quickly before whatever the cultists are summoning at the Bradley Motel appears. In the fray, one of them becomes dangerously wounded and hovers near the edge of death.

Check out the episode here or on iTunes

In this episode:

Chris [Storyteller]

Shane [John Doe - Darkling Razorhand]

Colton [Dragonheart aka DH - Fairest Draconic]

Sara [Once - Fairest Fatemaker]

Matt [Quincy - Wizened Chirurgeon/Soldier]


  1. Dude, great show... Terrifying, hilarious, and badass... Just what the doctor ordered.

  2. EEP!... Getting anxious for the new episode. Can't wait!

  3. Hi guys,
    just wanted to chime in here: I totally agree that this is terrifying, hilarious and badass! I have listened to all but the most recent ep, which I'm keeping for tonight. I really enjoy it and would like to commend you on your story-telling and playing. What is more, your podcast has given me a push to dig out my changeling the lost stuff, I've pitched it to my group, and, guess what, it looks like we will play!
    I'm really pleased! Keep up the fun and good work. And happy holidays.

  4. Thanks, guys! The night we played Chapter 2 was one of our favorites (Shane kills me with his Tentacle Monster shtick at the end).

    Sorry about this crazy hiccough with the release schedule. I am back and feeling, well, better and the group should be recording the feedback at our annual New Year's Party.

    I'm going to do my absolute darnedest to get both the Chapter 2 Summary and Feedback and Chapter 3, Scene 1 posted up for the week of January 1st.

    Thanks so much for listening!! :)

  5. Still loving the show, but I've finally thought of some constructive critiques.

    At one point in this episode the "side talk", while relevant and entertaining, over powered the actual story to the point that it was hard to follow. I don't know what your mic setup looks like but I was wondering if there was a way to "mute" zones when side talk was going on that would keep the main story in the foreground of the audio files?

  6. Oh, I totally know how bad the "side talk" was in this episode; I did my darnedest to clean it up (and trust me, it was *way* worse).

    I'm rather cheap, so we just use a little USB omni-directional microphone set up in the middle of my living room when we game. Perhaps once I get a promotion/raise at work, I can invest in a better microphone set-up to make the audio sound better.

    My apologies.

  7. Eh, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Adding mics means adding tracks and for each extra track you double your editing workload. Over all it wouldn't eliminate the "problem" because I've never seen a role playing group with zero side talk. Heck in my game last week there was one set of side talk going on while two separate in-character conversations happened at the same time and as the story teller I was having trouble following my own story ;). I know I for one, and I'm sure everyone else that listens, is very grateful for the time you guys are putting in on this great game/pod cast.
