Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Victorian Changeling

Oh my word!

It's here!

I cannot express my current levels of excitement!

Check it out!!!



  1. Picked it up this afternoon, it's pretty awesome looking so far.

    1. Very solid book, two new kiths some new contract variations and a few new goblin contracts as well as TONS of awesome setting ideas. Very good buy IMO.

  2. Oh man, I cannot wait for payday! I'm a sucker for all things Victorian (I *loved* "Vampire by Gaslight").

  3. Same here, I even have a bit of a weakness for all things Steampunk. This book doesn't have much in that direction, but it does give you great tools to do it if you choose to.

  4. Stolen children everywhere, by twilight and by steam
    Grab thine rifle and thine rapier, and preparest
    To slit the throat of the nightmare, and lick the bittersweet dream...

  5. Uhh... I didn't want to be the guy to ask this, but, when's the next FSP episode?

    Also, excited for Mummy?

  6. Sorry for the silence, but the next episode will be up tonight! It's a doozy!

    Mummy looks cool and I will probably end up purchasing it this autumn. I honestly never played any of the old mummy iterations by White Wolf, but from reading about the new one on the White Wolf forums, I'm getting rather excited about it.
